The Spaz Rats Website is currently, and always will be, under Active Construction. Last updated September 02,2008. Please refresh every time you visit, this site is frequently updated.

June 16,2005 it appears that there will be no Provincial-wide Pet Rat Ban. We won. However we remain vigilant as the government can and will pass by-laws without us knowing it. To find out what we went through, please visit the
"Stop the Pet Rat Ban" Forum. This forum is open to the public for all to read.

"Monthly Angels" updated for 2008
"Over 2 Club for the Dearly Departed" updated for 2008
"Over 2 Club" updated for 2008

June 29,2005 my beloved Baer passed away, just three weeks shy of his third birthday. Baer was one of the extra, extra special SPAZ rats. He's been my longest-lived rat so far, out-living his other family members by many, many months. I can't say enough good things about this gentleman rat. He just broke my heart with a quick dash to the Rainbow Bridge, after never had any symptoms of any disease except for complete hind-end paralysis. Baer's image now graces my website's main pages. I've put this old man up there on the pedestal with Starr.

Going over some pages to make sure there are no dead links
Updating the Mischief pages
Random Thoughts

Pet World Forum
I am the Rodent Moderator for this forum

I can answer your questions at

I can answer your pet rat questions here at Yahoo! Answers
In the months that I have tried to help the public on this group, I have found that Y!A is not the place for accurate rat-care information. Try as I might, incorrect information continues to be advized on this all-pet forum. I encourage you to seek out any of the rat-only Yahoo groups to talk to real rat-keeping experts on the proper care of pet rats.

World Rat Day
April 4th

HOME About Me My Mischief Meet The Rest
Getting To Know You What Others Say Fun & Frolic Starting Off Right
Starting Off Breeding First-Aid Nursing Care Cancer
Neurological Respiratory Skin Ailments Herbal Medicine
Homeopathic Medicine Bach's Remedies Complimentary Food as Healer
Vitamins & Minerals Other Healing Saying Good-bye Great Links
Awards Guestbook E-mail Me Diaries
The All Pets Pages Wildlife Rehabilition To Do List The End

In Memory of Starr (PEW)
Sandra Beasley and the Spaz Rats

Main Menu (HOME)

In Memory of Baer (Chocolate Rex)

"Home, Squeak, Home" - Sandra -
Here is where you will learn about me and my "little" fur-family. The plan for this site is for EVERYTHING RATTY to be here for you; from aquiring your rats, to their care, and their health. It is here that you will find useful information on the use of alternative medicine for your little ratty friends. Please note that the only remedies that will be listed here are those that I have already used on my own rats and those that have been proven safe for rats. Please also note that every rat is different and what works for one animal may not work in the same manner for another. I'm here to advise you, and to help you if I can, and to lead you to some information that you can use for general care, for an ailment, or a disease, and if I have not personally dealt with products or treatments, you may try them for yourself. I am not a veterinarian, what I share in these pages is the ratty knowledge that I have gained since 1997 and my personal experiences as a pet rat keeper.

The websites that you will find linked to my site are the best rat-related sites that I can find on the internet for your learning pleasure. I may not always agree with everything that is said on these sites but I trust the webmaster's rat-knowledge and experiences. It is your responsibility as a pet rat keeper to pick and choose the information that you find on these pages as they relate to your life and your rats' lives.

I would like to thank Anna Dorfman for starting the original Spaz Rats website for me; Charlotte Myers, who helped me start the new Spaz Rats website; my friends of The Ratlist, Holistarat, Ratvisioncanada, RatsPacNW, Clubrats2, and the many other rat-related forums that I've joined, who's valuable knowledge continues to provide material to build this site; and, of course, Starr, whom you see above as represented by the PEW (pink-eyed white) rat animation. It was she who started the "Spaz Rats Empire". All of you have helped me to realize the dream of an all-encompassing rat website.

Knowing that some of my webpages are quite extensive, I have added the option of "Get There Faster" which are direct links to what is being discussed on that page.

What You Will Find Here...


Main Menu, Site Menu, whatever you want to call it, you're already here

About Me, My Credentials,& My Experiences
me, Sandra B.

My name is Sandra Beasley, I have been a caregiver to rats since the fall of 1997. Do you what to know more about me and my other interests?
Get There Faster:
Background Info
How I Got Into Being Owned By Rats
My Most Memorable Experiences
Other Interests
My Favorites
For the Love of Rats
------The Issue of Feeding Rats to Snakes - From a Rat-lover's Perspective
For the Love of Cats
For the Love of Dogs
For the Love of the Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta pronounced bet-TUH)
For the Love of Newts, Salamanders, and Frogs
For the Love of Mice
For the Love of All Animals
Love These Links Too
Personal Experiences with Dog Clubs - e-mail me if you have any questions or comments about these clubs
- Forbidden Plateau Tracking and Obedience Club - Courtenay, British Columbia (Excellent)
- Cold Lake Canine Club - Cold Lake, Alberta (Excellent)
- Moose Jaw Dog Club - Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan (Excellent)
- Furry Flash Dog Sports - Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan (Excellent)
Personal Experiences with Moose Jaw Veterinarians - e-mail me if you have any questions or comments about these veterinarians
- Bellamy Harrison Animal Hospital (Excellent)
- Moose Jaw Animal Clinic (Excellent)

Meet My Mischief
my Starr Baby

One big happy rat family.
Get There Faster:
With Whom It All Began (over the Rainbow Bridge)
Sage's Kids - The Spice Kids (over the Rainbow Bridge)
Tar-ra's Kids (birthing disaster - Difficult birth, Tar-ra and her babies over the Rainbow Bridge)
E'lain's Kids - The Hershey's Kisses (over the Rainbow Bridge)
B'bet's Kids - The Space Cadets (over the Rainbow Bridge)
Chrissy's Kids - The Sugar Dumbo Gang (over the Rainbow Bridge)
Hindi's Kids - The Honey/Molasses Kids (over the Rainbow Bridge)
Natty's Kids - The Spring Lambs (over the Rainbow Bridge)
Brie's Kids - The Cheeze Nips (over the Rainbow Bridge)
Feta's Kids - The Cupboard Gang (pregnancy never took)
Vanita's Surprise Litter (over the Rainbow Bridge)
Nibbles' Kids (birthing disaster - Difficult birth, all 7 babies died within 3 days. Nibbles' babies over the Rainbow Bridge)
Dotti's Kids - The Dream Notes
Tuppins' Kids - The Cockney Kids (birthing disaster - Babies carried to term, 2 still-born, 1 died inuterus and caused Pyometra. Tuppins emergency spayed. Tuppins' babies over the Rainbow Bridge)
Jana's Kids - Leyden's Last Chance Kids (birthing disaster - Babies carried to term, one born and died 2 days later. 3 died inuterus and caused Pyometra. Jana emergency spayed. Jana's babies over the Rainbow Bridge)
Cona's Kids - The BC Bunch
Daria's Surprise Litter
Zen's Surprise Litter
Iniko's Surprise Litter
Xylia's Surprise Litter
Stella Maris' Surprise Litter
Saline's Kid's - Year of the bRATS
Lokie's Kids - The Comic Capers
Hai's Kid's - Year of the bRATS Too
Future Planned Breedings
The Alfabit Rats (over the Rainbow Bridge)
The Alfabit Rats - The Next Generation
The Alfabit Rats - The Third Generation
The Alfabit Rats - The Fourth Generation
The Alfabit Rats - The Fifth Generation - home of future Spaz Rats
The Alfabit Rats - The Sixth Generation - home of future Spaz Rats
The Cow Town Rats (over the Rainbow Bridge)
The Siamese "Twins" from DreamQuest Rodent Ranch (over the Rainbow Bridge)
More DreamQuest Rats
The Rug Rats aka The Rats from Shades of Blue Rattery (over the Rainbow Bridge)
More Shades of Blue Rats (over the Rainbow Bridge)
Shades of Blue Starting Anew
The Girls From Shireling's Rattery (over the Rainbow Bridge)
Rats From Kate's Critters Rescue (over the Rainbow Bridge)
Retired Breeder Rats from Paws 4 Purrfection (over the Rainbow Bridge)
Sindi's Sisters
The Spice Kids Celebrate Their First Birthday
Jordi and Devin Celebrate Their Birthdays Together
The Raternity Ward

Now Meet the Rest of the Family

I'm also caregiver to 4 Cats, 1 Dog, and 1 Siamese Fighting Fish.
Get There Faster:

Getting to Know You Ratty
wild Rattus Norvegicus

Get to know the rat from it's wild cousins to it's domestication. Includes The Over 2 Club (a "party" for all rats who have reached the age of 2 years old), stories of wild rats becoming pets, Rat Biology and Anatomy, and Understanding Your Rat's Behavior.
Get There Faster:

What Other Care-givers Have Said About Their Rats
rats are awesome

Rats have been described as "palm-dogs", some act much like cats, or the way they use their paws makes them look similar to monkeys.
Get There Faster:

Fun and Frolic
too funny

Toys, games, play houses, and more, for your rats. Games, puzzles, cartoons, art, clothing, quizzes, and more, for you.
Get There Faster:

Starting Off on the Right Paw

Everything you want to know before you get a rat. Find out all you can about how to care for your new pet through clubs, forums, books, etc. Where to find your rats. The best housing, bedding, cage accessories, food, treats, and water.
Get There Faster:

Starting Off as a Good Breeder
Amber Dawn Rattery

The pros and cons of breeding, and doing it right, from the beginning. Whether it is unintentional or intentional, be responsible.
Get There Faster:

First Aid for Rats

Your first response in an emergency, including first aid kit essentials.
Get There Faster:

Nursing Sick Rats
mouse nurse

Loving care through long-term illness and old age. The immune system and how it is affected by the aging process. This page includes arthritis, bladder infection, common drugs used for rats, dementia, ear infections (head tilt), eye and ear disorders and injuries, heart disease, injuries of bones, muscles, ligaments, etc., kidney disease, liver disease, megacolon, muscle degeneration, obesity, sight and hearing degeneration, suppressed appetite, surgery (pre- and post-op care for tumor removals and spay/neuters), tummy troubles (diarrhea, internal parasites, and constipation), and uncommon ailments.
Get There Faster:

Cancer in Rats
conventional medicine

Traditional and alternative methods to fight this disease. Covers both benign and malignant cancers.
Get There Faster:

Neurological Ailments in Rats
conventional medicine

Includes aggression (fighting and biting), hydrocyphalus, neurotic behavior, paralysis, seizures, and stroke.
Get There Faster:

Respiratory Ailments in Rats
conventional medicine

Includes allergies, mycoplasma pulmonis, upper (sinus) and lower (pneumonia) respiratory ailments.
Get There Faster:

Coat and Skin Disorders in Rats
conventional medicine

How to groom and bathe Rats. This page includes abscesses/cysts, allergies, bacterial infections, barbering (over-grooming), bumblefoot, mites (and other external pests), ringworm, tail injuries, wounds, and excessive bleeding.
Get There Faster:

holistic medicine

Join Holistarat A complimentary Forum to the information that you will find on the following Holistic pages.

Herbal Medicine
herbal remedies,dandelion

Alternative treatments using plants to heal.
Get There Faster:

homeopathic remedies

Like cures like, a gentle method of healing.
Get There Faster:

Bach's Remedies and other Flower Essences
Bach's Remedies

Treating emotional states in a natural way. Includes Aromatherapy.
Get There Faster:

Complimentary Medicines

Using alternative medicines along with traditional medicines.
Get There Faster:

Using Food to Heal
an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Better health through good nutrition.
Get There Faster:

Vitamins, Minerals, and Supplements
jars of pills

Improving vitality through supplemental support.
Get There Faster:

Other Unconventional Healing Methods
gem therapy

Color therapy, gemstone therapy, hydrotherapy, magnetic therapy, healing hands therapy (ie. massage, reiki, Ttouch), etc.
Get There Faster:

Bereavement, Saying Good-bye
rainbow bridge

Grieving the loss of a pet and helping others. This page includes the Spaz Rats' Virtual Cemetary, Monthly Angels, The Over 2 Club for the Dearly Departed, music, poetry, stories, and words of comfort to help you cope with the loss of your ratty friends.
Get There Faster:

Other Great Rat Links
rat with computer mouse

More websites to visit to learn about RATS.
Like, a Mouse may be controlling your computer, but Rats are taking over the internet, eh? You'll not only find links on this page, but there are hundreds of ratty links throughout this site.
Get There Faster:

my first web award

Awards the Spaz Rats site has won.
Get There Faster:

Guestbook, Site Credits, and WebRings.
friends around the world

So tell me what you think of the Spaz Rats. I know ya wanna.
Get There Faster:

E-mail Me
e-mail rat

I may not have all the answers, but I know others who do.
Get There Faster:

The Spaz Rats Diaries
I'm way behind in my diary as usual

The day to day lives of the Spaz Rats
Get There Faster:

The All Pets Pages
Cara's Critters

Because of my love for all pets I have added The All Pets Page to this website
Get There Faster:

Wildlife Rehabilitation
little deer

Because of my love for all wildlife I have also added Wildlife Rehabilitation to this website.
Get There Faster:

My "To Do" List
Siamses rat

Just gnawing away at the work that needs to be done on my site. Maybe you can help me find some of the material I need?
Get There Faster:

The End
Slink back

You have truly come the end of my website
Get There Faster:

The information gathered herein is not intended as a replacement for professional veterinarian services. To the best of my ability and knowledge, the information found in this web site is accurate.
-Sandra Beasley

broken links are bad newsPlease report any broken links to:


Taratoo - 
Sage's Niece 5 times removed

This site is being created by Sandra Beasley
Copyright © 2002-the present time
All Rights reserved