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Sick Rats
Loving care
through long-term illness and old age. The immune system and how it is affected by
the aging process. This page includes arthritis, bladder infection, common drugs used
for rats, dementia, ear infections (head tilt), eye and ear disorders and injuries,
heart disease, injuries of bones, muscles, ligaments, etc., kidney disease, liver
disease, megacolon, muscle degeneration, obesity, sight and hearing degeneration,
suppressed appetite, surgery (pre- and post-op care for tumor removals and spay/neuters),
tummy troubles (diarrhea, internal parasites, and constipation), and uncommon
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Cancer in Rats
and alternative methods to fight this disease. Covers both benign and malignant
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Neurological Ailments in Rats
Includes aggression
(fighting and biting), hydrocyphalus, neurotic behavior, paralysis, seizures, and
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Respiratory Ailments in Rats
Includes allergies,
mycoplasma pulmonis, upper (sinus) and lower (pneumonia) respiratory ailments.
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Coat and
Skin Disorders in Rats
How to groom and bathe
Rats. This page includes abscesses/cysts, allergies, bacterial infections,
barbering (over-grooming), bumblefoot, mites (and other external pests), ringworm,
tail injuries, wounds, and excessive bleeding.
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Join Holistarat A complimentary Forum to the information that you will find on the following Holistic pages.
Alternative treatments using plants
to heal.
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Like cures like,
a gentle method of healing.
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Bach's Remedies and other Flower Essences
Treating emotional
states in a natural way. Includes Aromatherapy.
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Complimentary Medicines
Using alternative medicines along with traditional medicines.
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Food to Heal
Better health
through good nutrition.
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Minerals, and Supplements
Improving vitality
through supplemental support.
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Other Unconventional Healing Methods
Color therapy,
gemstone therapy, hydrotherapy, magnetic therapy, healing hands therapy (ie. massage,
reiki, Ttouch), etc.
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Bereavement, Saying Good-bye
Grieving the loss of
a pet and helping others. This page includes the Spaz Rats' Virtual Cemetary, Monthly Angels, The Over 2 Club for the Dearly Departed, music,
poetry, stories, and words of comfort to help you cope with the loss of your ratty
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Great Rat Links
More websites to visit
to learn about RATS.
Like, a Mouse may be controlling your computer, but Rats are taking over the internet, eh? You'll not only find links on this page, but there are hundreds of ratty links throughout this site.
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Awards the Spaz Rats
site has won.
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Guestbook, Site Credits, and WebRings.
So tell me what you
think of the Spaz Rats. I know ya wanna.
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E-mail Me
I may not have all
the answers, but I know others who do.
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The Spaz
Rats Diaries
The day to day lives
of the Spaz Rats
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The All Pets Pages
Because of my love for all pets I have added The All Pets Page to this website
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Wildlife Rehabilitation
Because of my love for all wildlife I have also added Wildlife Rehabilitation to this website.
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My "To Do" List
Just gnawing away at the work that needs to be done on my site. Maybe you can help me find some of the material I need?
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The End
You have truly come the end of my website
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The information
gathered herein is not intended as a replacement for professional veterinarian
services. To the best of my ability and knowledge, the information found in this web site is accurate.
-Sandra Beasley
This site is being created by Sandra Beasley
Copyright © 2002-the present time
All Rights reserved