| SPAZ Dino
aka: Din Din
He is named after the Pet dinosaur on
"The Flintstones"
Born: June 26,2008
PEW (Pink-eyed White), Standard-coated, Top-eared, Buck
IDed with a blue tail

| SPAZ Foofur
aka: Foo Foo
He is named after the Blue hound-dog on
Born: June 26,2008
PEW (Pink-eyed White), Standard-coated, Top-eared, Buck
IDed with a red tail

| SPAZ Labrat
aka: Laprat
He is named after the Lab genious on
Born: June 26,2008
PEW (Pink-eyed White), Standard-coated, Top-eared, Buck
IDed with a yellow tail

| SPAZ Muggle
aka: Mugs
He is named after the Rat on
"Capital Critters"
Born: June 26,2008
PEW (Pink-eyed White), Standard-coated, Top-eared, Buck
IDed with a green tail

| SPAZ BooBoo
aka: Boo
She is named after the Ghost on
"Ruby Gloom"
Born: June 26,2008
PEW (Pink-eyed White), Standard-coated, Top-eared, Doe
RIP BooBoo October 04,2008
CHF, Died of fright while I was forcing her to take her medicine

| SPAZ Jerri
She is named after the Mouse on
"Tom and Jerry"
Born: June 26,2008
Agouti, Veriberk, Standard-coated, Top-eared, Doe
Jerri has one dark smudge of natural color on her tail

| SPAZ Josie
aka: Joe
She is named after the Guitar player on
"Josie and the Pussycats"
Born: June 26,2008
Agouti, Mismarked Hooded, Standard-coated, Top-eared, Doe
Josie's stripe goes all the way down to the base of her tail

| SPAZ Scoobie
aka: Scoobs
She is named after the Great Dane on
Born: June 26,2008
Agouti, Veriberk, Standard-coated, Top-eared, Doe
Scoobie has two dark smudges of natural color on her tail
Personality: Scoobie was the first to open her eyes and the first to explore her cage. She turned out to my infuriating escape artist.

aka: Too Cute
She is named after the Main cat on
"Top Cat"
Born: June 26,2008
Agouti, mismarked Hooded, Standard-coated, Top-eared, Doe
TC's stripe doesn't quite get to the base of her tail

| SPAZ Yoko
She is named after the Space Marshal on
"Team Galaxy"
Born: June 26,2008
Agouti, Veriberk, Standard-coated, Top-eared, Doe
Yoko's tail is mostly dark
Personality: The Character in the cartoon talks a lot in a high squeaky voice and my Yoko squeaks in protest when I pick her up