W h a a a ' s U u u u p ?
Travel With Leif
Around the World For
Rats In The News
How did this page come about?
When I had first seen the above picture in the package of developed film, I gave it
the caption, "Whaaa's Uuuup?". On the evening that Leif passed away, January 8,2004,
I was returning to the computer in the basement after having gone upstairs to have a
good cry and splash my reddened eyes with cold water. In my absence my husband had
taken my seat at the computer and as I had reached the middle of the staircase he
turned to me and said, "Whaaa's Uuuup?" I don't recall my husband saying those words
to me before........freaky! I could not shake this coincidence from my mind and a
couple of days later I was inspired to have Leif be the spokesrat for news about rats
from around the world.
January 06, 1990, From Vancouver Canada,
Squishing Sniffy - Artists busted
December 01, 1998, From Stuttgart Germany,
Heroic rats
December 06, 2002, From Toronto Canada,
Leave the rat at home
August 04, 2003, From Tanzania Africa,
Sniffer rats to find African mines
August 13, 2003, From San Diego USA,
Encinitas man faces rodent cruelty charges
February 24, 2004, Toronto Canada,
The wonderful legacy of Marcedes the rat
March 01, 2004, Tanzania Africa,
Rats help sniff out TB
March 28, 2004, Washington USA,
Merchandise was ratty, but no one cared
If you have something that is "nose-worthy" for this page, please e-mail
This site is being created by Sandra Beasley
Copyright © 2002-2004
All Rights reserved