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Hayley Her name means: Hero aka Haze Born: May 31,2003 Champagne Veriberk Standard-coated Dumbo Doe Hayley has red eyes. Hayley is cautious, but curiosity gets the better of her. She loves the art of shirt-diving. RIP Hayley, July 24,2005 Sick and tired of carrying a large Benign Mammary Tumor |
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Holly Her name means: Plant with red berries aka Halls Born: May 31,2003 Champagne Veriberk Standard-coated Dumbo Doe Holly has ruby eyes that look like holly berries, thank goodness, or she would be Hayley's exact twin. Their personalities are the same though and they cling to each other when nervous. RIP Holly, December 19,2005 I had joined a new group that uses black salve and a tonic to help animals with cancer. Using these products, Holly's tumor and opened up and I discovered it was very much like a grape cluster. Some of the tumors popped out on their own, and the tumor did get smaller...But the tumor bled and I believe this sporadic blood loss, along with the exhaustive treatment, put Holly into shock and she died in her sleep. |
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Hanna Her name means: Warm feelings aka Hans Born: May 31,2003 Champagne Self Rex Dumbo Doe Hanna has red eyes and sports a food color-tipped tail for identifying purposing because she is an identical twin. Hanna is a little more outgoing then her twin, but with a personality like her Standard-coated Champagne sisters. RIP Hanna, February 25,2005 Chronic Myco |
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Heidi Her name means: Honorable aka Hides Born: May 31,2003 Champagne Self Rex Dumbo Doe Heidi also has red eyes and is Hanna's exact twin. But not in personality. Heidi is a real lap rat and falls asleep while being petted. RIP Heidi, August 11,2005 Sick and tired of carrying a large mammary tumor. I wish I could say that was true, but in reality, in her debilitated state, Heidi was beat up (murdered) by her brother Howard. During his free-range time Howard chewed into the huge box that was home to Heidi, Melita, and Hindi due to their large tumors. What bothers me even more was that she didn't scream out for help. She just sat there, quietly, taking his abuse. This happened at about 1:30am. Heidi died in my arms, from shock, an hour later |
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Melita Her name means: A honey bee aka Honey Born: May 31,2003 Mis-marked Black hooded Standard-coated Dumbo with a Head Spot Doe The head spot is so tiny that it makes up 5 hairs right in the middle of her forehead. Melita has 3 black spots going down her spine and 5 black spots going down the length of her tail She is a very shy, nervous girl and runs to hide at the least provocation. She reminds me a lot of her Uncle R'yker the way he was as a baby. She flits from place to place, carrying her body low to the ground. However, this same personality has made her a perfect Aunty Rat to babies and her first job was mentor to the SBR rats. RIP Melita, August 15,2005 Life-long Chronic Myco and sick and tired of carrying a large mammary tumor |
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Michaela Her name means: Close to God, (feminine form of Michael) aka Mich Born: May 31,2003 Lilac Irish Standard-coated Top-eared Doe Michaela has dark ruby eyes. Very independent, bold, quick, and hates to be caught or held. Reminds me of two other Lilac rats I know well, her cousins Shaggi and Wesley. RIP Michaela, March 02,2005 It wasn't her benign mammary tumor, or her chronic myco that brought her life to a premature end. It was my horrific mistake of putting her in with my youngest girls after she had been picked on by her cage mates. I believe that the toenail cut to her abdoman was accidental with a brief tussle with one of the resident girls. All the same, her intestines had been sliced open and Michaela had to be euthanized |
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Miki (pronounced Mikey) Her name means: A flower stalk aka Hey, Miki!, Give it to Miki, she'll eat anything, Mik Born: May 31,2003 Black Berkshire Standard-coated, Top-eared Doe Miki is a tom-boy, always seemed to me to be a tom-boy, hence the name. Miki is not the flower, but she certainly is the sturdy stalk that will hold up the flower. Miki is fairly independent and bold, but she is easy to catch and likes be cuddled. Miki is always in heat and very squeeky while in this condition. RIP Miki, February 10,2005 Sick and tired of carrying a large mammary tumor |
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Huey His name means: Bright in mind and spirit aka Hume Born: May 31,2003 Champagne Berkshire Standard-coated, Top-eared Buck Huey has pink eyes. Bold, outgoing, friendly, loves to be held. Huey likes to hold my fingers and investigates my hand with a lot of sniffing, but he doesn't nibble. Very happy, playful boy April 11,2004 - Huey has a sight head tilt. RIP Huey, November 03,2004 Malignant Cancer under the ear |
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Manni His name means: Little man aka He Man Born: May 31,2003 Silvered Black Veriberk Standard-coated, Top-eared Buck Manni is very nibbly and licky. Very happy, playful boy RIP Manni, January 26,2005 Pituitary Tumor |
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Morrie His name means: Dark one aka Mork Born: May 31,2003 Black Self Standard-coated, Top-eared Buck Morrie is so dark that the only bits of him that are pink are the tips of his toes, his nose, and the base of his ears. Bold, adventuresome guy, and he loves his mama. Very happy, playful boy RIP Morri, May 13,2005 Chronic Myco |
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Howie His name means: Guardian of home aka Howard, Howard the Buck Born: May 31,2003 Champagne Berkshire Standard-coated, Top-eared Buck Howie has red eyes. Bold, outgoing, friendly, loves to be held. Howie likes to nibble on my fingers. Very happy, playful boy September 08,2005: Howard has had Myco flare-ups off and on since he reached the age of two. He has the beginnings of hind-end paralysis. After beating up his invalid sister, I don't trust him with other rats so he lives alone and gets momma attention. |