E'lain's Hershey's Kisses
Born February 05,2001

1 day old. Totally helpless, they huddle together in a world of their own. If mom rat
will let you, you should be already handling the babies.

3 days old. Their senses are developing as they check out their immediate environment.

5 days old. They are very interested in what's around them, but their legs are not strong
enough to carry them too far.

7 days old. A sheen develops over the whole body as their baby coat comes in.

9 days old. Their eyes are not even open yet, but they are ready to go places.
Feb. 14, we celebrated Valentine's Day

10 days old. Fully coated now and absolutely delicious to handle. They've started
some haphazard grooming of their own bodies. Their sense of smell is already
developed and their nose alone can guide them on unsteady, but willing legs.

14 days old. They're eyes start to open today and over the next 24 hours their vision
clears. They seem a little perplexed at this new-found sense, even though their
vision will never be their best asset. They're mouthing adult rat food, but
they don't seem to know what to do with it yet.

3 weeks old. Not ready to leave mom yet, but they do everything an adult rat can do,
only in that cute, awkward, fumbling, baby rat way. They are very curious and eager
to explore their world, and they will try anything once, or twice, or three times,

1 month old. Not quite independence day. In another week and a half the boys can go
to live with a adult male to learn how to be a boy rat. The girls can stay with mom
to learn how to be girls.
This site is being created by Sandra Beasley
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