January 07,2002 to October 23,2002
Blue Agouti Husky Standard Doe
Died under tragic circumstances. I thought Diva was pregnant, but her conceiving
date was unknown. At the point when it was evident that her due date was well
past due, I took to the vet for an emergency C-section to remove what appeared
to be dead babies. At the onset of surgery it was found that Diva had Late-Onset
Megacolon. There was nothing that could be done to save her life so she was not
allowed to wake up from the anesthetic
aka Divvy, Devine
Diva's markings are also referred to as Blazed Berkshire
Diva is the shyer of the two sisters and she has become Bhryn's best friend and
Diva's most endearing quality: She is so spunky and full of wild abandon when
she is with her sister. If she's out by herself, she is so sweet and mild.